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Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS

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Shannon O'Mahony

Shannon O'Mahony

La meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque

ORDRE DU PHÉNIXLa meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Diego Luna | suskindkore
| SANG : Né-moldu. D'ascendance irlandaise et colombienne.

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : Lui-même, mort noyé, dévoré par les crabes.
| PATRONUS : Léopard des mers

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Dim 28 Juin 2020 - 17:33

Shannon was waiting outside the Leaky Cauldron without - for once - smoking a cigarette. He had decided the day before to stop this silly habit he'd gained when he was much younger. At the dawn of his thirties, Shannon thought anything could be worse than everything he's lived before. He'd been through depression, almost through alcooholism, he'd been sad and happy, both following a strange pattern, but he had never experienced this horrible feeling of dying. But since the 10th April nineteen seventy-eight, he had learnt that life can come and leave as if anything could retain her. Life was a strange little thing. Like a butterfly, who comes, lives, and dies. Life was a dangerous, vicious little stuff.
He inhaled a deep breath before entering inside the pub. He had came with Marlene, and joined Athos in May. He wasn't alone, he was with someone, much younger than him, inexperienced as well. It's okay to come back with someone, but it's much harder to try to come on your own. The Irish man didn't intend to meet someone, he just wanted to override his trauma. But here, alone, standing up in front of an assembly of strangers drinking and speaking, he felt so abandonned he considered to leave. Telling himself he couldn't ask his mind to go ahead and heal. And then, his medicine. « Hey Galaad » he said right before sitting on the couch in front of his irish mate, « how' you doing ? ». Shannon tried to hide his painful gaze by smiling joyfully. He didn't even dare to ask if he was waiting for someone. He didn't really care, anyway. If Galaad was about to meet with a girl, oh well, Shannon would flee soon enough.
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Galaad N. Stomby

Galaad N. Stomby

Le silence est une opinion.

NEUTRELe silence est une opinion.
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Sebastian Stan
| SANG : (Presque) pur

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : une cage menaçant de l'avaler et de l'emprisonner
| PATRONUS : un chat (vaguement)

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Mar 30 Juin 2020 - 22:11

ft. Shannon O'Mahony & some PTSD - end of June 1978

Sometimes i smoke it
then i sip it

The Leaky Cauldron was filled to the roof with people. It was as loud, joyful and inebriated as always. Galaad, on the other hand, would have surprised many of his friends by his attitude. Sitting alone in rather quiet pub's corner, he was watching his half emptied pint with a miserable look on his face. A gloomy sigh escaped his lips as he cleared the remaining beer in a single gulp.
He had hoped that getting a job or spending some time with his friends would have filled that void the Easter attack had created. And in a way, it had worked. But more as a distraction than as a real solution. Because as soon as his time at the Tsarducks was over, as soon as his friends were unavailable, Galaad felt lonelier, emptier than ever. And so was he there, tonight, all alone at the Leaky Cauldron, finishing his third drink of the night. A drink that would definitely not be the last, before he'd stagger back home to sleep a heavy, intoxicated sleep.

But before he knew it, someone had crashed into the couch facing him. And not any someone. Shannon O'Mahony. The sight of his irish mate managed to get a smile on Galaad's face, but his eyes remained as empty as his glass.
- I'm as good as I could be without a beer, he joked. His adventures with Shannon were rarely alcohol-free. They also seemed so long ago that they could have belonged to another life.
- It's good to see you here, he added in a low voice. He wasn't being polite. On the contrary, he couldn't have been more truthful. He had learnt about Shannon being severly injured during the Easter incident. But he hadn't find the courage in himself to visit him in Saint Mungo's. The sight of his friend lying in an hospital bed would have been to hard to endure, and Galaad was too much of a coward. The relief in his tone wasn't just because he was glad to see Shannon on his feet, though. His arrival also meant he wasn't alone with his thoughts anymore.
- So ... how have you been ? he asked, not wanting to confront the elephant in the room, but unable to avoid it completely.

Dernière édition par Galaad N. Stomby le Ven 3 Juil 2020 - 23:35, édité 1 fois
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Shannon O'Mahony

Shannon O'Mahony

La meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque

ORDRE DU PHÉNIXLa meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Diego Luna | suskindkore
| SANG : Né-moldu. D'ascendance irlandaise et colombienne.

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : Lui-même, mort noyé, dévoré par les crabes.
| PATRONUS : Léopard des mers

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Mer 1 Juil 2020 - 20:53

Shannon heard about what happened for Galaad from... He didn't even remember. He didn't care too. The truth is that his irish lad had been there, as much as himself, and they were both injured in the terrorist attack. Thinking about the attack gave him goosebumps. All the time. And now, sitting in front of Galaad, he had them as well. He managed to put a smile on his face while the lad was responding to him in this traditionnal friendly way. He was the kind of man who could erase all of your sadness by his happy gaze. They met at a Quidditch match, and for once, Shannon was quite happy for being nice. « Likewise» he replied nicely. A waitress came and he ordered his traditionnal irish beer : baby guinness - for the win. Actually, he desperately needed a beer, or two - or three - to fall asleep. Only to fall asleep. Not to sleep well because he couldn't anymore, and he would do anything to have a normal night of twelve hours in a row.

The last question of the lad was nice, but Shannon wanted to avoid it so badly he thought, at first, to reply by shaking his head and remaining silent. But Galaad was a good man, maybe he, more than anyone else, could understand what he was living at the moment. On the other hand, Shannon being Shannon, he had this unacceptable way of ignoring his deepest needs. « Good. I guess » - oh well, Shannon, very well - « I mean. Am feelin' better outside of St Mungo's y'know ». The waitress came back, thanks god, hiding the blush on his cheeks and he added : « Hope you're doing better than me lad. I've heard of you being injured as well ». Shannon tried to smile, and drank a sip of his beer : « Fucking hell. Who would even think I'd feel safier in Colombia than in England ? ».
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Galaad N. Stomby

Galaad N. Stomby

Le silence est une opinion.

NEUTRELe silence est une opinion.
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Sebastian Stan
| SANG : (Presque) pur

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : une cage menaçant de l'avaler et de l'emprisonner
| PATRONUS : un chat (vaguement)

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Sam 4 Juil 2020 - 0:22

ft. Shannon O'Mahony & some PTSD - end of June 1978

But if i die young
know the truth is further

They both ordered a drink, Galaad pondering whether or not he should go for something spicier than  a beer. In the end, he followed his mate's lead and asked for a pint of Guinness. That one beverage had the perk of being just slightly stronger than the usual Butterbeer, so he could keep up with the conversation. As Shannon replied his question, he recognized in his eyes the same shadow that clouded his own nights. His new found job had at least teached him to read the others, rather than focusing on his personal issues. And the dark circles under his friend's eyes were pretty eloquent - as did they mirror the ones Galaad himself was wearing.
- I know the feel dude, St Mungo's really has a way of making you feel like you're about to die, even once you're cured, he replied with a sigh, choosing to ignore Shannon's discomfort and deflecting it with his usual humour.

Galaad grabbed his beer and took a long sip. He was about to answer Shannon with another joke about his eyes injury, but the words died in his mouth. He could still feel the blood dripping on his cheeks, the screams around him made only stronger by the dark his wounds had dropped him into. A chill ran throught his back. This simple memory had been enough to make his palms sweaty. He wasn't feeling like joking anymore, so he shrouded, forced a stupid smile.
- I'm still breathing, y'know. And he was pretty lucky he could say that - many were not, on that Easter day. I feel like nowhere in the world is safe anymore, he added, much lower, his voice barely audible over the Leaky Cauldron's jabbering.
No wonder why he needed to drink, simply to survive throught another day. Some pills helped, too. Sometimes, he wondered how his friends could bear his way of living - it wasn't all rainbows and flowers before, still it had clearly deteriorated since the attack. But he usually shoved these questions away with a new pint. It would get better, with time. It had to.
- Ah, don't mind me, I'm just being my pathetic me, he bounced back, an empty smile finding the path to his face once again. He blinked really fast, but there were no tears in his eyes, right ? Quick, another sip to drive out the echoes of the Easter screams of terror and pain.

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Shannon O'Mahony

Shannon O'Mahony

La meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque

ORDRE DU PHÉNIXLa meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Diego Luna | suskindkore
| SANG : Né-moldu. D'ascendance irlandaise et colombienne.

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : Lui-même, mort noyé, dévoré par les crabes.
| PATRONUS : Léopard des mers

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Dim 5 Juil 2020 - 11:53

Shannon had been through hell these past few months. He had no idea how to overcome his trauma, had no idea how to sleep well now, and finally he had no idea what to do to feel better. He had this strange feeling that he would never feel good again. As if, strangely, the death eaters took away what defined him in the depth of his mind. Galaad would probably understand that if he had the bravery to talk about that. Unfortunately, he was the kind of man who would never talk about something so personal. It's not that he didn't trust him - because really, he liked the lad quite a lot - but the truth is that Shannon had this unpleasant trend of remaining quiet about his personal issues. He struggled to keep a straight face. « Yer damn right » he replied, having a tortured grin on his face, « hate this shitty place ». During that silent moment, Shannon wondered if Galaad had nightmares like him. Despite that question, the irish man took a big sip of his beer, trying to process the question. Would he dare ask him that ?
Fortunately, the lad continued. Of course he was relieved to live. Shannon as well. But he could't get over his guilt. He was breathing, drinking with a friend at a table inside the Leaky Cauldron while others were dead. Including kids. Fucking dead. Cold, bones, graveyard. How to live knowing that ? « Others were more unlucky indeed » he tensely replied, looking at his beer, « don't even know if I feel lucky to live or guilty to do so ». Once again, a sip. Oh man one beer wouldn't be enough for that conversation. The irish man looked more intensely at his mate : « Yer workin' these days ? Doesn't it help you not to think 'bout that ? »  he asked. Galaad seemed to be as depressed as him.
If a painter came at them to draw them both, that would be a terrible and depressive painting at the end.
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Galaad N. Stomby

Galaad N. Stomby

Le silence est une opinion.

NEUTRELe silence est une opinion.
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Sebastian Stan
| SANG : (Presque) pur

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : une cage menaçant de l'avaler et de l'emprisonner
| PATRONUS : un chat (vaguement)

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Mar 14 Juil 2020 - 15:06

ft. Shannon O'Mahony & some PTSD - end of June 1978

Sometimes i smoke it
then i sip it

They sure were lucky to be alive. But when he should have found comfort in this thought, it just made Galaad feel worse than ever. He couldn't close his eyes without hearing the screams from the wounded all around him. And then the cries of those who had lost a loved one. Those were maybe the worse. Galaad and his futile way of life were not ready to endure that much grief. The only way to shut them up was to get to sleep as intoxicated as possible - and yet it didn't stop him from waking up in a sweat once in a while, with his hands reaching for his eyes. Of course, never had he spoken about it to anyone - the only exception may have been Aethelwold, but his memories about that night were quite blurry.
- Pretty sure I'm guiltier than happy about it, he admitted nonetheless in a mumble.

Shannon was the first person in a while he felt could understand him. He had its responsibility in this situation, though. Because Galaad was way too cowardly to try and reach for the help he needed - coming from his friends as well as professionals. The time he had spent without even visiting his old irish mate was quite representative of that matter.
- I hoped my job would drive the memories away, but it's just ... a job, y'know. Doesn't work miracles.
Especially when it all consisted in serving drinks all day long, wishing you could sip them all off. He wasn't really unhappy. How could he be ? He was alive, not like many other witches and wizards that day. Feeling bad only added to his guilt. Who was he to complain about his trauma, when folks were now rotting in a grave ?

A laugh coming from a group of people nearby made him jump, and he almost spilled his beer all over their table. Damn, life really went on. How come he couldn't just jump on that train like he used to ? He blushed a little as he almost emptied his drink - at least it would stop him from knocking over the precious beverage.
- How do you ... he started, but the words had a hard time coming thought his lips. He sighed. How do you keep living like you used to ? How are you not scared every time you go to sleep, or step out of your place ?
Maybe Shannon wasn't quite te right person to ask. He clearly was as traumatised as Galaad. But it already had been quite the challenge to get to say these words aloud. He would never have been able to speak them to another one. With an awkward grin, he raised his eyes from his pint to his friend, hoping for an answer. Any answer would do.

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Shannon O'Mahony

Shannon O'Mahony

La meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque

ORDRE DU PHÉNIXLa meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Diego Luna | suskindkore
| SANG : Né-moldu. D'ascendance irlandaise et colombienne.

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : Lui-même, mort noyé, dévoré par les crabes.
| PATRONUS : Léopard des mers

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Mer 15 Juil 2020 - 15:10

Shannon had troubles to watch himself in the mirror. He was alive, when others were dead, rotting deep in the ground. He felt like he had no right to be alive. He was dead. Truly, he felt it and the memory of himself dying on the ground was hunting him all day long, all night long. Everytime he breathed he remembered that, at a certain point, he died. A strange grin came up on his face while Galaad told him that he felt guilty as well. Maybe that was normal. But either normal or not, Shannon withdrawn no release at all. Knowing his mate felt as bad as himself wouldn't help him. He just understood they were in the very same shit. Good.

He listened to the twenty years old boy, understanding him. Of course a job wouldn't help. Did it work on himself ? Nope sir. He surely continued to referee the Quidditch matches of the league but even though he didn't think about the terrorist attack on a Quidditch field, when he was alone, sitting on the bench of the locker room, he remembered why he came to the Alley on that day. He came to buy knee pads for Quidditch. « Working doesn't help at all, yer right. Ye just find somethin' to do, but it doesn't stop the thoughts to come to harass ye » he muttered, looking at Galaad. The kid was right and of course he'd understood him. « I don't ken if the memories will fade away one day » Shannon admitted, « guess we sould learn to live with'em ». He took another sip of his beer. His Guinness helped him all his life but he felt like even the strongest alcohol will never erase the feelings he had. Shannon followed Galaad's beer with no reaction at all, as if he was unresponsive. « Who told ye I could sleep ? » - Shannon had a poor laugh - « I can't sleep for months man ». He thought about the last nightmare he had, last night, which pushed him to take a shower and go out at four in the morning. That's how he spent his nights. He tried to sleep, knowing he would wake up at two, or three, sweaty in his bed and unable to sleep again. « Maybe we're just broken » he finally stated, « maybe we might just take pills or somethin' and it would set us free ? ». He had the feeling that was the dumbest idea he had ever had. « D'ye come back to the Alley ? » he asked, looking at his beer. He was fuckin' unable to go back there. The only time he tried, it was as if they had killed him for good.
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Galaad N. Stomby

Galaad N. Stomby

Le silence est une opinion.

NEUTRELe silence est une opinion.
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Sebastian Stan
| SANG : (Presque) pur

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : une cage menaçant de l'avaler et de l'emprisonner
| PATRONUS : un chat (vaguement)

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Mar 18 Aoû 2020 - 18:45

ft. Shannon O'Mahony & some PTSD - end of June 1978

But if i die young
know the truth is further

Listening to Shannon's feels about the attack made Galaad find a bit of confort, if not of peace. As he heard his friend talk about his own emptiness, he felt a warm wave invading his chest - and perhaps it had nothing to do with all the beer he had just drunk. It changed nothing to how alone he felt. It was simply nice to realise you weren't the only one trying to learn how to live with something you knew you would never forget. It was all terribly selfish, in a way.
- If it's pills you need, I know the right persons to get some from, he stated lightly.
Galaad was the sort of friend that would have helped you write your suicidal note if you asked him politely enough. Or maybe was he just in too deep to realize all the wrong he could make. Althought it wasn't like any pills had helped him so far - and he had tried many.

Galaad's jaws clenched when Shannon asked him if he ever got back in the Alley. The fragile comfort he could have felt had just shattered like glass. Of course he hadn't set a single toe where the attack had took place. He always used the Floo network to go where he needed to - his workplace included. That way, he never had to walk the Alley again.
- I wish I could man, trust me, he admitted. You know what ? I'm gonna grab us two more drinks, he added promptly, in a voice he wished was steadier.
He stood up quickly, turned round, hurried to the bar. Walking his fast, wide steps, he took several deep breaths. His gaze got lost in the area he knew the fireplace would be. Maybe he should just take a handful of Floo Powder and head straight home. What a coward you are. Shannon was waiting for him at their table, maybe even more broken than he was himself. And Galaad really wanted to care. But sometimes, worrying about someone else than his own self was too big of a job. Trying to put aside how overwhelmed he felt, he composed a smile for the barman and asked for two glasses of his strongest whisky.

- New ammo, he announced as he came back to Shannon, acting as though he hadn't thought about running away two seconds ago. He was barely sitten down when he took his first sip. The amber liquid burnt his way all down his throat, stripping a painful smile from his lips.
- At least you can't doubt you're alive when you drink that kind o' stuff. It hurts just the right way, he said, having no idea how pathetic it sounded. When had he become so dark, eh ? It felt like a invisible wall had been built between him and the others, isolating him from their laughs, their happy, insignificant lives. But now, he knew he wasn't totally alone behind that wall. Shannon was trapped here, too.
- Here's to the broken souls we are, he toasted, half jokingly, as he raised his glass to his friend. No more talking about the attack. It had just leveled up from painful to unbearable. Who do you spend your nights with, if you ain't sleeping ? he asked. He tried a smile, but it didn't work. Whatever. Any topic other than Easter would a good one - did it really matter if his attitude didn't play along ?

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Shannon O'Mahony

Shannon O'Mahony

La meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque

ORDRE DU PHÉNIXLa meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Diego Luna | suskindkore
| SANG : Né-moldu. D'ascendance irlandaise et colombienne.

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : Lui-même, mort noyé, dévoré par les crabes.
| PATRONUS : Léopard des mers

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Ven 21 Aoû 2020 - 0:31

Pills. Pills. Pills. Shannon had troubles with drugs when he was much younger than that. Younger than Galaad himself. At eighteen and nineteen, the lad was lost in a very dark place called "Life". He was all alone. No friends. No family, his very own father didn't care enough to host him for a week or two. So what did he do ? He went to Colombia. Alone.
He got lost in his country, had met the wrong people. And he dived in a long maze of which he luckily got out. He always did his best not to think about those awful years. Really. He remembered his laughs, yes. And also his tears. And also his despair. Those two years were the worst of his twenty-nine years of life. And he'd always tried his best to erase them. The terrorist attack, though, pushed him right inside the lion's den. « Yeah, I'd love to » he said, knowing very well that was the dumbest idea he had today. Aside from his suicidal thoughts. « Although am pretty sure it won't help at all... ». Nothing except a good therapist would heal these wounds.

Before he could do anything else, Galaad stood up : « Gala... ». The lad was gone. Shannon didn't even try to stop him. Did he go there to grab beers or to flee ? A sigh and then another. Fuck. So he couldn't even speak about that with someone who'd been through hell as well ? Really ? He was a very very nice friend, Shannon. Ironic thought. He was a shitty friend. A shitty shitty friend. He blamed himself for being here with another while his best friend maybe, didn't feel really good thanks to his ex. And he was there, complaining, and drinking and sinking in an abyssal PTSD problem. Amazing. The irish man felt such a realease seeing Galaad back that he did smile. Yes. A smile, thin of course, but a smile anyway. « Thanks mate » replied Shannon, grabing his whiskey and swallowing it straight to his stomach. Bruh. Galaad, with his next question, probably tried to make him smile deeper but... « No one, I just go out and walk for the next couple of hours in the night. Ye ? ». Shannon was desperately trying to find a solution. « Sorry » - his tongue rolled in a very irish "r" - « I think I just don't even want to spend the night with someone in any case. No one deserves a broken partner, no ? ». While saying this, Shannon moved his index so quickly it was obvious he felt bad. Fuck this shite.
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Galaad N. Stomby

Galaad N. Stomby

Le silence est une opinion.

NEUTRELe silence est une opinion.
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Sebastian Stan
| SANG : (Presque) pur

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : une cage menaçant de l'avaler et de l'emprisonner
| PATRONUS : un chat (vaguement)

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Mar 25 Aoû 2020 - 18:01

ft. Shannon O'Mahony & some PTSD - end of June 1978

Sometimes i smoke it
then i sip it

So that was it. Shannon wanted some pills too. And Galaad smiled a little. He should have been worried for his friend. Or even ashamed for dragging him on the same dark path he was now walking. But no. Knowing he could be of some use to his Irish mate made a bit warmer inside. Though Shannon was right, of course. Pills wouldn’t help a lot. And if they did, how long would it last ? Not much – he had been there, again and again, so he knew. Of course, he knew. But he was very good at avoiding responsibilities, as well as any painful question. Just like he had walked away from Shannon, pretending to be getting some drinks, he shrugged away his guilt. His friend was a grown ass man, perfectly able to make his own mind. Right ? As he sat down and watched him drink his whole whiskey away, he felt a little bit better. He was just trying to get his mind away from his pain – wasn’t it what a good friend was supposed to do ?
- I usually find someone to spend the night with me, he replied. Ain’t a big fan of sleeping on my own – never was, but it’s even worse now. Think it makes my nights a little bit easier.
But Shannon didn’t seem to agree. According to him, he wasn’t worthy of spending quality time with anyone. That was a depressing thought.

- Maybe you’re the one that deserves a partner, what d’you think of that ? tried Galaad, but he knew it wasn’t a very convincing answer. He sighed. Then … You know what mate ? I may have exactly what you need, he said abruptly. And he threw his hand inside his pocket, searched it for a few seconds, then drawn out a small craft package that he showed happily before his friend’s eyes. It didn’t take him long to be reminded of the other customers’ gaze however, so he quickly lowered his packet - but the same excited glint remained in his eyes.
- I bought it on Knockturn Alley the other day, he explained as he drew several blue pills from his precious package. Told me it’s some Muggle stuff, but they boosted it magically somehow.
Galaad wasn’t exactly one to ask complicated questions. Assure him he’d have a good time – perhaps even some forgetful bliss - and you’d have a customer. He put a finger on two of the pills, made them slide down the table towards Shannon.
- I haven’t had the opportunity to try it yet, he precised, and a tiny bit of fear could be heard under all his excitement. Wanna give it a go ?

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Shannon O'Mahony

Shannon O'Mahony

La meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque

ORDRE DU PHÉNIXLa meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Diego Luna | suskindkore
| SANG : Né-moldu. D'ascendance irlandaise et colombienne.

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : Lui-même, mort noyé, dévoré par les crabes.
| PATRONUS : Léopard des mers

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Mer 26 Aoû 2020 - 0:34

Shannon needed to sleep. Spending nights and nights without sleeping was a terrible idea but he couldn't help it anyway. Oh he could have found a partner obviously. He could have. But he was fucking unable, even when he needed it the most, to end up in another bed than his own. Sad but true, what can do a terrible and lonely childhood like the one he had. Shannon had always been a broken creature, he couldn't make friends, he couldn't keep a relationship - let's not talk about what happened with Glinda Crook - and he would always find a way to destroys everything he had built up. All the fucking time. The Irish man sighed again, listening to his pal'. Galaad would always find his way to another bed, that was his super-power and Shannon must admit he'd envy him so so much. His natural smile, his natural behaviour. Damn it. That boy lived his life like he wanted. And Shannon had always been unable to do so. Of course he had left for a while, whenever he wanted, he had done whatever he desired but sometimes things were odd. Especially with girls. 'Make my nights a little bit easier', really ? How much he'd dreamt of that, having an easier night.

What he added made him laugh slightly. Yes he needed someone, but he deserved no one. He was a terrible grown ass man. Inconstant, impulsive, stupid sometimes - all the time. He might be stupid to have suicidal thoughts, no ? Of course he was. He almost died in a terrorist attack and now all he thought about was to jump off a bridge ? Idiot irish fucking boy. His gaze followed Galaad's gestures as if we was looking for a lighter and had a grin when he saw the blue pills. Ecstasy. "Yeah that's ecstasy I ken the stuff" he replied, processing the idea. It wouldn't make him sleep at all, he asked for MEDICINE not drugs. But… Have I said already Shannon was able to destroy everything ? Boosted magically ? Oh dude, that might be terrible. Shannon had a bad history with drugs especially cocaine. Ecstasy he had tried, when he was nineteen. Bad stuff but helped to feel better. "I asked help to sleep not to be a teddybear" he mumbled reluctantly. But… Yeah, he wanted to give it a go : "I follow ye if ye do. D'ye even ken what it does ?". Probably not. Shannon felt like he, at least, had to warn the lad : "Ye will feel like yer invincible. Like everything will go well for ye. Ecstasy gives ye the chimaera that ye live intensely. Ye sould be careful not to use that too much lad". Yep. Just Shannon being a paternalistic twenty-nine years old man.

Dernière édition par Shannon O'Mahony le Sam 17 Oct 2020 - 21:24, édité 1 fois
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Galaad N. Stomby

Galaad N. Stomby

Le silence est une opinion.

NEUTRELe silence est une opinion.
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Sebastian Stan
| SANG : (Presque) pur

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : une cage menaçant de l'avaler et de l'emprisonner
| PATRONUS : un chat (vaguement)

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Dim 13 Sep 2020 - 17:43

ft. Shannon O'Mahony & some PTSD - end of June 1978

But if i die young
know the truth is further

Ecstasy, uh ? Yeah, the sound of it was kind of familiar. The small, hooded man who had sold him the pills might have said this word. Of course, it didn't really counted as medicine - even Galaad wasn't that naive. But if it were to make you feel good, even for a few hours, wasn't it worth the try ? Clearly, Shannon wasn't as enthusiastic as he was. But Galaad didn't give up. He pushed the pills further, closer to his friend, leaving them a few inches from him. Then he took his hand back to his side of the table, grabbing two blue tablets for himself on the way. He raised them above his eyes, watching them with a mixture of fear and envy. Shannon's words finished to convince him.
- Could be nice to feel invincible, don't ya think ? Might be exactly what we need tonight.

Naturally, the part about not using to much of it flew right over his head. Can you keep digging once you've reached rock bottom ? Rethorical question. Of course you can. Galaad had become quite an expert in the matter - as his older sister would have loved to remind him. And as such, he threw the two pills in his mouth, raised his glass to Shannon, and as the tablets already started to dissolve on his tongue, he looked deep in his mate's eyes.
- Bottom's up, I guess ! You said you'd follow, he reminded him unsparingly.
What could possibly go wrong ? It wasn't like Shannon was the kind of guy to throw a dart in one of his colleague's ass just for the fun of it. Bah, too late. The whiskey ran down his throat, flushing the pills along the way. For a few awkward minutes, it felt as if nothing were going to happen. The alcohol burnt his stomach as usual, and that was it. Or was it, really ? The heat started to grow, extending to his chest, then to every muscle in his body. And with that strange fever came a feeling of confidence, of power, like he had never felt before.

He could have moved a mountain. A stupid smile spread across his face as he leaned down and watched the ceiling absently for a minute - or two, or three, time was flying in quite a weird way. Then he got back up and stared at Shannon, still smiling.
- You know what ? Going back in the Alley doesn't seem as impossible as like ... five minutes ago. Told you it would make us some good.
As he was speaking, a stupid idea arrived from the back of his head. It didn't feel as impossible as before ... Might even be therapeutical, who knew ? What could go bad ? He felt fucking invincible. Sure, throw bombs at them. Go ahead. They would just bump on them and explode somewhere else. He felt power pulsing through his veins as never before. And so, with all this mad energy flowing inside him, he asked :
- What if we tried it ? Going back there I mean.

Dernière édition par Galaad N. Stomby le Lun 26 Oct 2020 - 19:43, édité 1 fois
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Shannon O'Mahony

Shannon O'Mahony

La meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque

ORDRE DU PHÉNIXLa meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Diego Luna | suskindkore
| SANG : Né-moldu. D'ascendance irlandaise et colombienne.

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : Lui-même, mort noyé, dévoré par les crabes.
| PATRONUS : Léopard des mers

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Sam 17 Oct 2020 - 22:50

Any person - except Shannon - would have refused the stupid pills of ecstasy. Anyone. Would it really be nice to feel invincible? Not sure about that. Shannon would be an asshole with these pills inside his body, and maybe he didn't want his pal' to see him in that way. But you know what? In the bad decisions club, Shannon was the master. And while Galaad swallowed his inside his throat, the other Irish man did the same. Strange strange thing to get drugged. He wasn't even sure to really dislike that at the end. In fact, Shannon knew these things destroyed lives, had almost detroyed his. He knew that, but on that special evening, he didn't care anymore. His life was ruined, his memories were ruined, his sleep - let's not talk about that. Not talking about the fact that he was doing a shitty job - yeah, shitty job - and that he was unable to keep a relationship. Hence, a few minutes later, he was returning a smile at Galaad's face.

The proposal was pretty stupid and the referee will surely regret it. But who cared? "Let's go then" he happily replied while jumping on his feet. Before he left, he drank the last drops of alcohol abandoned in the glass. In his mind, it was like everything - I mean, really everything AND everyone - was so fluffy, and kind that at this moment he really wanted to touch everyone, to try everything without giving a shit about the consequences. These stupid pills, we said. Actually, as Galaad said, he felt invincible, and that was bad knowing that now he could end up in the bed of anyone. Men and women, both at the same time - why even care about that? The two Irish boys entered into the Alley and they could see no one. "Peuuh! Why's that so empty and annoying?" he asked as if Galaad had the answer to an unanswered question. "What if... We go tooooo... Y'know, Knockturn Alley? I mean, that's probably weird and I know, there are bad people in there but well... We could have fun" - what an amazing idea Shannon, really, congratulations. Without waiting for an answer, he took Galaad's arm and pulled him behing him. He was thinking about going to the Ragtag & Bobtail, but let's be honest, they will more likely end up in the Red House.
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Galaad N. Stomby

Galaad N. Stomby

Le silence est une opinion.

NEUTRELe silence est une opinion.
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Sebastian Stan
| SANG : (Presque) pur

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : une cage menaçant de l'avaler et de l'emprisonner
| PATRONUS : un chat (vaguement)

Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS Happy gaze through our pain | CLOS 129196351Lun 26 Oct 2020 - 19:42

ft. Shannon O'Mahony & some PTSD - end of June 1978

Sometimes i smoke it
then i sip it

Let's go then. Maybe that whole evening was going to end up being more therapeutical than he'd have imagined. The confidence was beating hard in his chest. So hard it was all he could feel. He stood up, followed Shannon in the crowded pub. In his blurry bliss, he felt like every eyes were on them. But not in a bad way. More like in a admirative, even worshipping kind of way. And it felt incredibly good. Even better than when he played the guitar for the few boys or girls he was hoping to seduce. The idea that, maybe, no one was actually looking, that it was just a drug-induced illusion ... well, it never crossed his mind. Before he knew it, they had reached the door - and then, the cold, empty street. This abrupt transition between the cheerful, warm crowd and the Alley could have been a shock. Should have been a shock. But the ectasy drowned it all, and Galaad didn't even lose his smile.
- Why was I afraid of this place again ? he asked, as Shannon complained about it being too calm.

He ignored his mate for a second, listening closely to the silence. Trying to find out if he would hear the agonizing screams of the people dying on the street. The same cries he fell asleep to every night. But there was nothing. Nothing but the defeaning sound of his heart, beating fast with excitment. That was freeing.
- Knockturn Alley you say ? he laughed, finally catching up with what Shannon had been talking about. Man, this place is like my kingdom. I know its every corners, he bragged, as his mate started to drag him along.
Not that there was anything to brag about. But he did know Knockturn Alley like the back of his hand. Except maybe for the Red House, cause he never really had to pay to spend the night with someone. And he prefered to save his Galleons for other matters - drinks and drugs, obviously. So he followed Shannon on dancing feet, still floating in a blissful confidence. Surely the Alley would hear about them tonight. The Ragtag and Bobtail clearly was up for an ... eventful night. As the two Irishmen would likely wake up under a porch, curled up against one another like two hungover teenagers, with a dry mouth and a pounding migraine.

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Année 1977-1978