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The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra

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Morfin Carrow

Morfin Carrow

L'homme n'est libre que de choisir sa servitude.

MANGEMORTL'homme n'est libre que de choisir sa servitude.
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Jamie Dorman- Crédits: Aerie
| SANG : Aussi pur que la pureté elle même

Caractéristiques du sorcier

The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra Empty
MessageSujet: The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra 129196351Jeu 17 Sep 2020 - 23:16


The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra 110220266

Becoming Ministry of Magic had always been Morfin Carrow’s biggest dream. More than a dream, it had become his life goal. He strongly believes he has been Called, he has been Chosen to save the magical word from the threat that both muggles and mudbloods represent. How can we trust them with a wand, while they kill themselves with fireguns? How can we trust them when we see what they have done: witch-hunt, World War I, World War II? They are a threat for all of us. A threat Grindelwald foresaw. A threat his master foresaw.  How can we live in fraternity with them while their threats compelled us to live secretly, to live in their shadow! How can we explain that to save our life we had to pass the International Statute of Secrecy ? How come that our fellows American brothers had to pass Rappaport’s Law to protect themselves.  Not only did he strongly believe that Magic blooms only in rare souls but also that time had come to seek revenge against the muggle conspirancy.Yes like the title of this book he read like if it was a preach from his lord. A book that was just what he needed to serve his theory, his political line that he never hid. Furthermore, he was convinced that having a lady as Sinistra Lowe by his side for his campaign would be the best card he could play to beat Croupton and to change the world, to save the world.  He asked her to meet him in his office to make a deal, so that together, they win. Sat behind his huge desk, he was waiting for the Nynphea to come in.

Dernière édition par Morfin Carrow le Dim 15 Nov 2020 - 15:46, édité 1 fois
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Sinistra Lowe

Sinistra Lowe

La méchanceté s'apprend sans maître.

COTÉ DU MALLa méchanceté s'apprend sans maître.
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Brie Larson ▬ ice macklin
| SANG : Purement consanguin.

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : son époux
| PATRONUS : un casoar à casque

The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra 129196351Dim 1 Nov 2020 - 17:06

Sinistra had spent years thinking about her essay concerning the muggle conspiracy. She had listened to her husband - Warren, not this idiot of Ulysse - to her friends, she had read novels and thoughts of some of the most brillant pure-blood of their times. And finally, she got edited. How proud Sinistra was. And how proud Warren was. At least, before he tragically died. She would often tell herself that at least he died knowing his wife was a perfect pure-blood witch, as some of his friend would think otherwise. Anyway, on that special day, she got an invitation to the Ministry of Magic. Apparently she had an interview with Morfin Carrow. She very well knew this man, especially since he's obsessed - and the word may not be strong enough - with his blood-line. Another maniac of whom she enjoyed the presence. As usual, Sinistra came to the Ministry as if she was the Minister himself. And she would make such a better work than Minchum, but hey, she's a lady, and she has written an anti-muggle book. She didn't know why this man had invited her at the Ministry. He should have invited her at his home. Well, a long time ago, her dear mother told her that men were idiot - and damn, they were. Anyway. The secretary conducted her to his office, letting her in. « Mister Carrow, it is alway a pleasure to meet you » she politely said, flashing him with a beautiful smile of which she had the secret. Sinistra gave him her hand waiting for him to act as if she was Elizabeth the Second.
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Morfin Carrow

Morfin Carrow

L'homme n'est libre que de choisir sa servitude.

MANGEMORTL'homme n'est libre que de choisir sa servitude.
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Jamie Dorman- Crédits: Aerie
| SANG : Aussi pur que la pureté elle même

Caractéristiques du sorcier

The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra 129196351Mer 11 Nov 2020 - 22:08

The head of Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes was impatiently waiting for Mrs Lowe to arrive. He placed a lot of hope in this interview. To be honest, Morfin Carrow is not the kind a guy to give a lot of credits to women. According to him they are mainly useful to give men pleasure in bed and taking care of children. But times are changing and having at least one woman in your political team became the new trend.  Since the beginning of September, the heir of the Carrow Family that foresees himself as the next Ministry of Magic is taking a new step towards his ambition, by constituting a team of followers and ambassadors. Unlike his biggest rival Bartemius Croupton, Morfin Carrow wanted to appear not as the providential man but as a leader followed by a strong team.  Creating a team was also a way to ensure to Senior that others are approving his ideas and that he was the mind of the situation. He had strong men supports like Amadeus Flint or Orion Black. As for women he wanted to have a providential one. Lyra Yaxley was during her golden age one of those. She is no more. He had no doubt about the woman he needed. Sinistra Lowe. Her essay was just brilliant. Reading it was like reading something he could have written. He wanted her to be on his team. He wanted her to write or at least re-read some of his speeches. He wanted her to be his spokeswoman in this battle for power.  He would give whatever it takes to convict her to stand by him in this race.

When she arrived, her beauty impressed him. Not only was she brilliant but also extremely beautiful. She definitely was the woman that he wanted for both his campaign and his bed. « Mister Carrow, it is always a pleasure to meet you » . He smiled at her and stood-up from his big chair to walk towards the lady of the situation. He kissed her hand like if she were the queen of the world.  « The pleasure is all mine Mrs Lowe…» he said to her while keeping smiling and holding her hand. « Or should I say  Mrs Travers ? Mrs Selwyn ?  ». he initially chose to call her by her birth name, the one that she used for her essay, and the one that he want to shine on his campaign. Nonetheless, as many women want to be called by their husband’s name, he felt obliged to ask how he should call her.

« Please have a sit my dear ». he said offering her a very nice armchair.  His personal assistant, Corban Yaxley, who was the cousin of her departed husband ‘s Warren gave to Morfin some advices on how to speak to this iron lady and convict her to be on board.   Sitting on his desk, he decided to start this interview softly, as Corban recommend him  « How do you feel in this Ministry? ».. He kept smiling at her, giving her this look that turns so many women on at the same time that he opened some of the buttons of his shirt « I feel like this Ministry needs you Mrs Lowe. »..  What or who was he talking about now? Was he talking about this institution or about him as a Ministry? Both my dearest readers.
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The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra 129196351

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The object of war is not to die for your battle but to make the other bastard die for his- Sinistra

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