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Don't mess with the Dawlishes.

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Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Dim 23 Fév 2020 - 20:20

«You are a child Flora Dawlish! » scream the oldest Dawlish while storming in in the youngest’s office, his stomach still painful from the day before and his heart silently aching. « I can’t believe you’re acting like a fifteen-year-old prick! No, actually, forget that. I’m not surprised in the slightest. I knew you were way too immature to wear the Auror badge. You’re endangering the team with your childish behavior and I hope they’ll kick you out in no time. » he further vomited to his baby sister, once again crossing a line he didn’t wanted to. She was, to speak the truth, a brilliant Auror, and if only they were able to work together as a duo, the Dawlishes could somehow form the department’s dream team. However, they both were very far from that. Let’s rewind a day.

It was the week before Christmas, Flora had been working as an Auror for nearly three months, being unsurprisely good – not that John would ever tell her that – and the both of them were still not on speaking terms: bickering could not be considered speaking. Pretty much the whole department was fed up of their game, so was John, and probably Flora as well, but the Dawlishes were headstrong and proud, and well, it was war. They both had hurt each other and none of them was welling to bury the hatchet first. Anyway, that being said, it was the week before Christmas and John was still somehow hoping that they’d celebrate together as one happy family, no matter how messed up their relationship currently was, they were all they had, family-wise at least. Therefore, when he arrived that Tuesday morning and found a small box of chocolate with a note saying « Dear John, Merry Christmas. Love, Flora. » he engulfed them all at once and, while his pulse was rising with love and hope, he started walking toward her office, determined to fix everything. However, as eager he was for reconciliation, he couldn’t fight the urge to run to the toilette, where… well, where everything that’s supposed to happen when you eat laxative happened, and more... That bloody kid, he should have known better.  

Back to present: « Bloody hell Flora! » he added, regretting his harsh words, feeling like he could cry, so tired of their sh*t show and of his heart hurting so much.

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Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Mer 26 Fév 2020 - 17:31

Flora was now working at the Ministery for a few months and she was quite happy of her new responsabilities. But it appeared, quickly, that some of her colleagues disagreed with her presence at the Office. Well, ONE of her colleagues, John, obviously since he was still angry at her for hiding her studies. The young lady didn't think she was wrong - how would she ? - and actually, she didn't give a shit about her brother's thoughts. Because she couldn't let him decide what to do with her life and destiny. Flora has always been a free mind, she was meant to be free and to fly wherever she wanted. However the atmosphere at the Office was full of bad magic, bad energy, all of that, thanks to her big bro. That's why, right before Christmas, Flora decided to, well, give him a lesson. Or make him pay, as you prefer. Anyway, she gifted him with a box full of laxatives disguised like chocolates. She was proud of her, it would be wrong to deny it, and she couldn't help but laugh at the idea of her brother being stuck in the toilets...

Hence, when she heard him coming, furious as usual she thought to flee. Really. Somehow John had always had this ability to frighten her with his sharp voice and raw features... « Hello big bro, nice to see you're still alive after this laxative box » she happily replied loudly so that everyone could hear them both argue about her little joke. « Ooooh come on ! Look at us, you deserved that trick, don't be foolish Johnny boy ». Well, maybe her joke wasn't a joke after all... Flora had always been a prick, he knew that, she knew that, and she didn't want to deny such a thing. Maybe her behaviour was not classy enough for an Auror but at least, it made her laugh. A lot.
Well, now that she was stuck with John, both roped to each other, she wasn't laughtin' at all. « That's your bloody fault ! » she shouted like a spoiled child, « you have no right on my life, nor my career and you should just accept that I am a human being like you, not your fuckin' little puppet ! ». Her cheeks were red, her mind was blurred, and she didn't understand how she could be roped to him in this humiliating way.  « WHERE THE HELL IS MY WAND ? » she cried looking everywhere as she was no muggle at all. She needed her wand because she was unable to do anything without it. And they both knew that. Flora was now a true witch, and she wouldn't stop wriggle until she finds her wand.
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Alizea J. Spudmore

Alizea J. Spudmore

Le silence est une opinion.

NEUTRELe silence est une opinion.
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Lindsey Morgan / @thinkky (bazzart)
| SANG : Mêlé

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : des chaînes qui l'entraînent loin des gens qu'elle aime
| PATRONUS : loutre

Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Mar 24 Mar 2020 - 19:00

Au moment précis où la demoiselle cria une dague tomba du plafond allant se ficher au centre de la pièce, à bien quinze, vingt mètres d'eux.
"Bienvenue dans la salle d'entraînement." S'inscrivit alors en lettres dorées sur le miroir de l'autre côté de la pièce. Et toujours nulle trace de leurs baguettes...
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Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Mer 1 Avr 2020 - 0:44

« I am a human being like you, not your fuckin’ little puppet!” Flora’s words were resonating in loops in John’s mind, like a bad dream, in which he was the villain and she was the victim of his incapacity to communicate like a fully grown adult and his irrational fear to see her inanimate body. He blinked many times and groaned a bit. It hasn’t been a dream, he had been an asshole, again. But before he could self-analyze his behavior further, he noticed how tensed his shoulders and arms were, and suddenly, all his auror's senses were in alert: he was tied up to something – or someone. Danger. That someone was screaming her lungs out for her wand. Danger. “Shut up Flora” he said in such a low voice that it could have been a growl. She may have been a talented Auror, but at the moment her juniority was showing she was tensed – no, more like panicked - and loud. Loud was a problem, they didn’t know where they were, what dangers were awaiting them and by babbling and shifting she wasn’t focussing on identifying these dangers. Bloody hell, they’d been knocked out and tied up together and she was whining about her wand. “Stop shifting, I’m trying to lis…” suddenly he was cut by a big-enough knife failing from the ceiling about 15 meters away from them. John quietly half-smiled, they were in the training room – how muggle of them to use knifes – he always had loved the training room. That being said, the Auror department didn’t really care about killing one or two of their pairs while preparing them for any and all possible situations and knifes could really well began falling from the ceiling. He quickly regained his seriousness and shoved his elbow in his sister’s ribs - only so she starts focussing - and told her where they were: being tied up to him, she could see what he was. “We’re in the training room” he stated matter-of-factly. He was diligently scanning the room: they could cut their ties with that knife…but giving them an muggle exit…that was fishy.
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Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Dim 5 Avr 2020 - 13:45

Flora was on the edge of explosion. Being trapped wasn't much a problem, being tied up neither. But with her brother ? John had been the core of her life for ages right before he threatened her to destroy her dreams, and her three years of work at University. They were, both of them obviously in the training room. She promessed herself that she would shout after the idiot who thought about all of this. And John, as usual, was being deadly annoying. When he asked her to shut up, Flora did, but only because she was outraged. Anyway, she continued to wriggled until he realised that they were in the training room : « YES AMEN JOHN, HOW CLEAR-HEADED YOU ARE ! ». The knife, probably an idea of their fellow colleagues, was there, on the ground. « Maugrey's idiot ideas » she mumbled, « alright then. Maybe we should, I don't know, try to stand up ? Or roll onto each other ? ». She felt like a fool but they were trapped. They had to try whatever came to their minds to escape the game.
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Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Dim 5 Avr 2020 - 20:40

Merlin! She was so frea-king annoying! How come, at twenty-something, she was still talking to him like she was sixteen? So it seemed like she came back to consciousness before him, so what? Couldn’t she just tell him that she’d notice where they were without being a complete jerk about it? No, of course not, she had to have the last word, so immature, so just like him.

maybewesouldtrytorollontoeachother” he childishly mimicked using a high pitch voice while rolling his eyes, before coming to term with the idea: it was great, actually. He was much stronger that she was, being wand-less and all. He did just as she proposed: he rolled. In a very non-gentle way, he shifted his body to his left, laid his shoulder on the floor and threw his sister hard to the ground, before completing the roll and finishing on top, the weight of his muscular body crushing that of his tiny baby sister. “What a genius idea” he said sarcastically, with a smirk dancing on his lips. Maybe being crushed would made her quiet for a bloody minute.

1-2-3 :: His desire to win this round over Flora made him too reckless: John highly miscalculated how heavy his body was and how quickly Flora would hit the concrete floor. Her eyebrow arch cracked, and some blood started dripping from it, but her right shoulder what was truly absorbed the choc. John instantly felt and loose in their tie – nothing enough to get free of them – Flora had dislocated her shoulder. Bloody hell, he was a twat.

4-5-6 :: Nothing to add, but anyone’s free to add a ‘’ péripétie ‘’.

Dernière édition par John Dawlish le Dim 5 Avr 2020 - 20:41, édité 1 fois
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Le dé

Le dé

| SANG : Hasardeuse

Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Dim 5 Avr 2020 - 20:40

Le membre 'John Dawlish' a effectué l'action suivante : Lancer de dés

'Le dé ' : 1
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Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Mar 7 Avr 2020 - 0:08

The pain was unbearable. Flora felt like her shoulder was on fire, burning under her skin and a terrible sound remained in her throat. She closed her mouth to make sure no sound would come outside : « I-I-...I can't move » she cried. Tears were coming outside her eyelids and she couldn't help but let them flee. John was heavy as fuck and she couldn't breathe with him on the top of her, « m-move on your left again, gently plea- ». She couldn't move her harm anymore and without a wand they couldn't repair it. Anyway. All her anger was gone, swept by the pain, but her punishment was way more violent than her little joke with the laxative box.

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Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Mar 5 Mai 2020 - 18:45

John felt like the biggest dumbass on the planet. Truly. However annoying his sister was at the moment – and has been for a while now – he would never want to physically hurt her. He knew very well, from his past as a Quidditch player and his tendency to get into fights as a teenage boy (and as an adult, let’s be honest), that a dislocated shoulder was one of the worst kind of pain. The auror felt his heart break a little when he heard the pain in the voice. “Shit Flo’” he exclaimed, without apologizing. “This is gonna hurt baby sis’…” he warned as he could already hear her saying ‘no shit it’s gonna hurt you genius twat!’ or something along that line. With one last breath, he proceeded to roll again on his side, wiggled his hand under Flora’s butt to stabilize her as much as possible, completed the roll and manage to get up on his feet by pushing with his face on the concrete floor to lift both of their bodies, very comfortable. John then let his sister stand on his own feet and began to carefully walk toward the knife, which was not an easy task when your hands were tied behind your back to someone's much shorter than you, whom you did not want to suffer further pain. “Sooooo, we will have to kneel to cut the ties… I suggest you lean on my back for better stabilization and I’ll guide us slowly to the ground. Can you work with me on this?” he instructed, stepping back in his ‘big-brother’ role.

HJ: I suggest we roll the dice, if we both get pair-pair or impair-impair numbers, we succeed in kneeling and cutting our ties without too much pain for Flora, if they get pair-impair, Flora suffers (lol sorry, I trust you’ll avenge Flora later), meaning they failed working together.

pair-pair or impair-impair : They succeed and John aplologizes, "Sorry Flo'...I never meant to dislocate your shoulder..."

Pair-Impair: While they were trying to get to the floor in a controlled manner, John blurted out "It was your idea...to roll over." What a childish man.
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Le dé

Le dé

| SANG : Hasardeuse

Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Mar 5 Mai 2020 - 18:45

Le membre 'John Dawlish' a effectué l'action suivante : Lancer de dés

'Le dé ' : 2
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Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Sam 9 Mai 2020 - 22:34

The pain in the arm was unbearable. Flora Dawlish spent all her time claiming she was now an adult, mature, from twenty-five years old, but in fact, right now, she just wanted to cry like the little girl she once was. John always cuddled her in her darkest times, he acted like the father they both didn't have, and Flora realized how awful she'd been with him this past three years. He loved her and that's why he was a dumbass with her. And the way he was now speaking, with a smooth voice she didn't deserve, the young lady felt her cheeks burn from the inside. Flora decided to close her blue eyes to forget her pain, and her tears, and especially her dislocated shoulder. But she could close her eyes as much as possible, sing in her head her favorite Beatles' song, nobody could ignore what she felt at that moment. It was like something was tearing apart her arm from her shoulder, though she knew John did his best not to harm her while he moved.
The position of their arms was no help for them, but John did manage to walk to the knife. « Slowly ? » - hard to believe - « you're not that kind of gentle man... ». After all, HE dislocated her shoulder, so HE hurt her. Despite that, she accepted his proposal...

PAIR-PAIR / Flora bite her lower lip so hard she began to bleed. « I... Know you didn't mean it you asshole » she replied, feeling the pain pulsing everywhere, from her shoulder to her fingers.

PAIR-IMPAIR / The sentence of her big brother was so inconvenient Flora thought, for a second, that she was dreaming that. But no. That twat said it was her fault. « You are the worst person I have ever met ».

Dernière édition par Flora Dawlish le Sam 9 Mai 2020 - 22:34, édité 1 fois
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Le dé

Le dé

| SANG : Hasardeuse

Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Sam 9 Mai 2020 - 22:34

Le membre 'Flora Dawlish' a effectué l'action suivante : Lancer de dés

'Le dé ' : 5
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Athos Greyson

Athos Greyson

Le silence est une opinion.

NEUTRELe silence est une opinion.
| AVATARS / CRÉDITS : Nick Jonas by non uccidere
| SANG : Pur, moitié américain.

Caractéristiques du sorcier
| EPOUVANTARD : Tobias blessé, ou pire.
| PATRONUS : Un renard

Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Dim 10 Mai 2020 - 0:41

Imperceptible jusqu'à présent, la lame du poignard vibrait doucement tandis que frère et soeur déployaient toute leur énergie dans leur vaine dispute. Le poignard trembla de plus en plus, dévoilant quelques écailles et plumes bleues jusqu'à finalement ondoyer, se métamorphosant en un Occamy de taille raisonnable. Enfin, ça, ce fut le temps de quelques secondes. La fabuleuse capacité choranaptyxique de l'être mi dragon-mi oiseau prit le dessus, et la mystérieuse créature commença à grossir à vue d'oeil, emplissant la salle de sa masse reptilienne et menaçante.
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Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Mar 12 Mai 2020 - 2:30

John had no clue in hell why he said that. It was such as, the more he felt guilty about hurting her, the worst he was at expressing his feelings. Plus, it might have been her suggestion to roll over, but it was his idea to do it like a bull in a china shop, to make some kind of statement. When she retorted, it felt like she had just slapped him in the face, hard. Again she was with the overreaction: screaming insults as she was fifteen, without thinking one second about the consequence of her words, he thought, instantly forgetting his own stupid behavior. “Oh yeah, sorry for having raised you and worked my ass-off to feed you! Next time I think about providing you with anything, please punch me so I never waste another second of my life making sacrifices for a cruel and ungrateful brat who considers no one but herself…!” he shouted. Loud. So loud that his voice covered the sound of the occamy that was growing dangerously fast behind him. His eyes were filed with tear of rage, hatred against Maugrey for forcing them here, anger against Flora for having broke her heart, once again. He spotted his wand on the wall behind the brunette and gave her his most angry look, “moved” he whistle through his teeth, “I’m getting out of this shithole” he added wanting nothing more than for her to get out of his way so he could claim his wand back and tear down this bloody arena. However, she wasn’t moving, rather focussed on something behind him.

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Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351Mar 19 Mai 2020 - 14:53

Both John and Flora were teenagers in their minds, screeming, shouting, and crying for nothing more than a laxative box. Anyway, Flora's pain was way more violent in the words she shout at him than it really was. Actually, she held her arm to make sure she felt no more pain, but what was coming was far worse than she'd expected. John - this horrible man she once called 'brother' - continued, to tell her the whole truth. He was right, how could she deny it ? But the fact is that he was insulting her since the begining of this bloody joke while she was not. Flora felt like he had no respect for her, calling her 'prick', now 'brat'... So that how he'd seen her their whole life ? Something awful to babysit all the time ? She didn't even try to reply. Why would she ? He'd just tell her to shut the fuck up and she felt like she'd destroyed enough for today. So, gently, she moved when he asked her to. But behind John the knife was growing again and again, and the pale skin of Flora became translucent when her blue eyes crossed the occamy's gaze. Fuck. « there's an occamy behind you » she muttered, frozen, eyes wide open, « there's an occa-... ». She stopped, stepping back to the wall to take her wand. She needed to think, quickly, to save both of their asses. Think think think Flora, FUCK ! She pointed her wand right on John's face to whisper the desillusion charm. At least, the occamy could continue to grow, but it couldn't see her brother.
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Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Don't mess with the Dawlishes. Don't mess with the Dawlishes.  129196351

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Don't mess with the Dawlishes.

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